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Airline Reporting System

ARS Description


iotaware has developed an Airline Reporting System (ARS) that has a number of stock and custom / ad hoc reports to assist an airline management team to understand and optimize their organization’s performance.


The initial focus of the system is on high level reporting of Performance (e.g. Load Factors, Passengers, etc.), Financial (e.g. Revenues, etc.) and Sales & Marketing (e.g. Ancillary Products, Buy on Board, Sales Channels, Payment Methods, Website performance, etc.), with some initial Operational reporting (e.g. Baggage Types per flight, etc.).  The ARS reports inventory will be continually expanded with connectivity to API data sources. 


The iotaware ARS provides regular reporting daily, weekly and monthly to specific targeted users throughout the airline management team, via automated emails.  Users can also log into the system to view all reports and run tailored reports by custom time periods (including near real time) or the adjustment of specified variables (e.g. ancillary performance for overhead baggage only by flight).  Access is according to individually assigned permissions.

Ready to find out more?

At iotaware we strive to provide value to our clients at a competitive price. Contact us to see how we can meet your airline requirements

Contact Us

 Address: 541 Weller Street,

 Peterborough, ON, Canada

 K9H 2N9

Tel: 705-808-2255


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